Wednesday, July 24, 2013
Marriage Prep Slide 9-11
Slide Nine: Fruitful
Christ: “I have come
to bring life, and life to the full”
God’s love is always creating. God didn’t stop after he
created the first man and the first woman. He invited them to participate with
Him in creating MORE.
And Christ on the Cross, pouring out His love for all
humanity to the Father says, “behold your Son.” Christ calls the Church to
Love is naturally fruitful. When someone is in love do they
not want the world to know, to experience this love with them? Love naturally wants to grow, to expands.
Sometimes we tend to think of fruitfulness simply on the
physical level. But again, the physical is meant to show us the spiritual. All
marriages are called to fruitfulness whether they are called by God to have
children or not.
The church teaches Responsible Parenthood. This includes
discerning when to avoid having a child AND when to be generous! God created us
as rational beings and he wants us to work WITH Him and His plan to love
rightly. The Church does not call us to be baby-making machines. We should
welcome life into our marriages with an appreciation of God’s design and a love
and respect for the needs of both that child and the family as a whole!
Why Church is against
This brings us to the most sensitive part of this
presentation. I just want to say that I am only here to PROPOSE church teaching
to you, Not to Impose! The Church’s teaching on contraception is a fruit of her
teaching on the body and on love.
Because the body
reveals the spiritual, Pope John Paul II talks about the Language of the Body.
The Body speaks. We know this. If someone is lying to you but they are smiling
and they shake your hand, is that not lying with your body? If we are to love
like Christ loves, we must always present our body in TRUTH. The physical union of man and women included.
Intercourse is meant to be the ultimate gift of yourself in your marriage. It
is through intercourse that the marriage vows, I will love you freely, totally,
faithfully, fruitfully, take on FLESH, become a physical reality!
So Intercourse should reveal our Free, Total, Faithful,
Fruitful love to our spouses. I give my body to you without reservation; I hold
nothing back for myself. I will give my whole being to only you and I want the intimacy we share to grow and
spread to all areas of our life. I want you to be a parent to my child.
What contraception says is I must put something between us
or I must manipulate my fertility, my bodily reality, before I can give my body
to you. I would propose that the little details matter in life.
I just want to invite you to think about this, ponder it in
your heart. Think about how you show your love to your future spouse and what
you want your body to tell them.
Natural Family planning used to postpone a having a child
involves only using the times during the month that we are naturally infertile
for intercourse. It is like sending a person an invite to your wedding even
when you know they can’t come. Contraception is like telling someone that they
are NOT allowed to be at your wedding.
We ARE our bodies. We ARE our souls. We are a body/soul
unity. So what we do, what we say with our bodies matter.
Slide Ten: Beauty of Femininity
Special shout out to woman about health benefits with NFP
Works with your body not against it
Your fertility is a beautiful part of who you
are as woman that you should EMBRACE. Our fertility and bodies are beautiful and
valuable and I hope all those in your life will recognise how you, EVERY aspect
of you, is beautiful.
NFP is not just for avoiding children naturally.
It is really an appreciation of the woman’s beautiful gift of LIFE-giving.
Plus, it allows children to be conscious. Every month it easily leads to the
question, “Are we suppose to have a child now?”
Many will have fertility problems and it is a
beautiful, healthy, natural way to start dealing with and recognizing these
underlining issues.
And allows the woman to know her body and see
problems before she normally would.
Little note for men, NFP really can allow the man to be a
part of his wife’s mystery of fertility. It really allows the man to step up
and be involved in the conscious creation of a family right from the
beginning. And there is something empowering
for both men and women to know how her hormones may be affecting her on any
given day!
Closing Reflection: Slide
To close: In any situation if we want to love as Christ
loves, we have to ask ourselves doesn’t this action mirror Christ’s FREE,
TOTAL, FAITHFUL, FRUITFUL love or does it not.
“The Body, in fact, and only the body, is capable of making
visible what is invisible: the spiritual and the divine.” (TOB 19:4)
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